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現任張國恩校長的話 2023-06-11



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國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所講座教授 (2019/7~2022/01)

國立臺灣師範大學校長 (2010/02~2018/02)

國立臺灣師範大學副校長 (2006/11~2010/02)

國立臺灣師範大學圖書館館長 (2004/08~2007/07)

國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育學系主任 (2000/08~2002/07)

國立臺灣師範大學電算中心主任 (1990/08~1993/07)

中鼎工程股份有限公司顧問兼中鼎企業大學校長 (2019/09~2022/01)

師子王藝術分享股份有限公司董事 (2019/09~迄今)

師子王智慧學習股份有限公司董事 (2020/09~迄今)

財團法人中鼎教育基金會董事 (2018/11~迄今)

國立臺灣師範大學新創控股公司董事 (2018/03~迄今)

財團法人臺大系統文化基金會董事 (2018/01~迄今)

國立臺灣大學系統委員會委員 (2018/01~迄今)

財團法人誠正勤樸學術基金會董事長 (2010/08~2018/09)

財團法人誠正勤樸學術基金會董事 (2018/10~迄今)

財團法人中技社工程教育研究基金管理委員會委員 (2016/04~迄今)

財團法人中技社董事 (2018/09~2021/08)

社團法人台灣數位學習與內容學會榮譽理事長 (2018/01~迄今)

社團法人台灣數位學習與內容學會首任理事長 (2011/09~2017/09)

財團法人資訊工業策進會常務董事 (2009/08~2018/07)

財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會董事 (2007/08~2010/08)

中華民國數位學習品質服務中心創辦人及總召集人 (2005/01~2010/01)

台灣綠色大學聯盟首任理事長 (2013/09~2017/09)

台灣新媒體科技與教育協會首任理事長 (2020/10~迄今)

基隆市市政府顧問 (2016/06~迄今)

新北市教育局顧問 (2020/08~迄今)



  •  行動學習、擴增實境
      Mobile Learning, Augmented Reality
  •  電腦模擬式學習、數位學習、智慧輔導系統
      Computer-Aided Learning System, e-Learning, Intelligent Tutoring System
  •  網路化企業訓練
      Enterprise Training, Web-Based Learning



深耕資訊教育研究領域,獲得3次科技部傑出獎 (2012~2014、2009~2011、2002~2004)。

獲行政院國家科學委員會傑出學者研究計畫主持人 (2008~2010)。

















一、專書 (Book)

  1. 張國恩、宋曜廷(2011)(編著)。數位學習品質管理。臺北市:高等教育。
  2. 孫春在(著)、宋曜廷、張國恩(2013)(主編)遊戲式數位學習。臺北市:高等教育。
  3. 張國恩、宋曜廷(2011)(總主編)。數位學習系列叢書。臺北市:高等教育。
  4. 鄭錦全、張國恩(2011)(叢書總主編)。華語文與科技系列叢書。臺北市:高等教育。
  5. Cheng, C. C. & Chang, K. E. (2014) (eds.). Chinese Language Learning Sciences Series. New York: Springer, Inc.

二、專利 (Patents)

  1. 張國恩、李郁錦、胡宗智。自動化網站資料蒐集方法。發明專利,申請號 107122505、證號:I695277,專利期間 2020/06~2038/06。
  2. 張國恩、張珈。擴增內容的產生方法。發明專利,申請號 107117480、證號 I690826, 專利期間 2020/04~2038/05。
  3. 劉子鍵、張國恩、黃國駿。可消除骨導音的聽覺裝置。發明專利,申請號 106113739、證號 I685263,專利期間 2020/02~2037/04。
  4. 宋曜廷、張國恩、曾厚強、鄭皓心。發散思維測驗自動評分方法及系統。發明專利, 申請號 107128121、證號 I663583,專利期間 2019/06~2038/08。
  5. 劉子鍵、張國恩、黃國駿。配戴式錄音錄影裝置。發明專利,申請號 106114448、 證號 I636455,專利期間 2018/09~2037/05。
  6. 張國恩、楊乾中。互動式數位學習系統。發明專利,申請號 093114997、證號 I257592,專利期間 2006/07~2024/05。
  7. 張國恩、楊乾中。網際網路互動式教學軟體架構。新型專利,申請號 093202142、 證號 M259275,專利期間 2005/03~2014/02。

三、近5年期刊論文 (Referred Papers 2016~2021)

  1. Chang, K. E.*, Wu, L. J., Lai, S. C., Sung, Y. T. (2016). Using mobile devices to enhance the interactive learning for spatial geometry. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 24(4), 916-934, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2014.948458 (Received 17 Dec 2012, Accepted 22 Jul 2014, Published online: 22 Aug 2014) (Correspondence Author)
  2. Hou, H. T., Yu, T. F., Wu, Y. X., Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E. (March. 2016). Development and evaluation of a web map mind tool environment with the theory of spatial thinking and project-based learning strategy. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(2), 390-402. (Correspondence Author)
  3. Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Liu, T. C., (March. 2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252-275.
  4. Tang, J. T., Sung, Y. T. & Chang, K. E. (2016). Action research on the development of Chinese communication in a virtual community. Computer Assisted Language Learning. 29(5), 942-967. (Published online: 21 Dec 2015) (Correspondence Author)
  5. Sung, Y. T., Liao, C. N., Chang, T. H., Chen, C. L., Chang, K. E. (April 2016). The effect of online summary assessment and feedback system on the summary writing on 6th graders: The LSA-based technique. Computers & Education, 95, 1-18.
  6. Hong, J. C., Wu, C. L.,Chen, H. C., Chang, Y. L., Chang, K. E. (Jun. 2016). Effect of radical-position regularity for Chinese orthographic skills of Chinese-as-a-second-language learners. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 59, 402-410. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.02.002
  7. Lan, Y. J., Kan, Y. H., Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E. (Oct. 2016). Oral-performance language tasks for CSL beginners in second life. LANGUAGE LEARNING & TECHNOLOGY, 20(3), 60-79.
  8. Sung, Y. T., Chang, T. H., Lin, W. C., Hsieh, K. S., Chang, K. E. (Dec. 2016). CRIE: An automated analyzer for Chinese texts. Behavior Research Methods48(4), 1283-1251.
  9. Chao, K. H., Chang, K. E.*, Lan, C. H., Kinshuk, & Sung, Y. T. (Jan. 2016). Integration of Mobile AR Technology in Performance Assessment. Educational Technology & Society, 19(4), 239–251. (Corresponding Author)
  10. Yen, Y. , Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E. (Jan. 2017). Exploring the effect of voip tools as a foreign language instruction on learners' English speaking errors. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning27(4), 339-357 (ESCI)
  11. 林安邦、姜驊凌、莊雅婷、張國恩 (2019)。以校務研究觀點探討行政管考制度之建構。教育科學研究期刊,64(1),241-261。
  12. Sung, Y. T., Lee, H. Y., Yang, J. M., Chang, K. E.(May. 2019). The quality of experimental designs in mobile learning research: A systemic review and self-improvement tool. Education Research Review, 29. (Available online 18 May 2019).
  13. Chang, K. E.*, Huang, Y. S., Zhang, J., Liu, T. C., Sung, Y. T. (2020). Applying Augmented Reality in Physical Education on Motor Skills Learning. Interactive Learning Environments. 28(6), 685-697. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1636073. (Corresponding Author)
  14. Hou, H. T. , Yu, T. F., Chiang, F. D., Lin, Y. H., Chang, K. E., Kuo, C. C. (2020). Development and Evaluation of Mindtool-Based Blogs to Promote Learners’ Higher Order Cognitive Thinking in Online Discussions: An Analysis of Learning Effects and Cognitive Process. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 58(2), 343–363. DOI: 10.1177/0735633119830735.
  15. Yang, J. M., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2020). Use of meta-analysis to uncover the critical issues of mobile inquiry-based learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 58(4), 715–746. DOI: 10.1177/0735633119879366.
  16. Liao, .C. N., Chang, K. E., Huang, Y. C., Sung, Y. T. (Jan. 2020). Electronic storybook design, kindergartners' visual attention, and print awareness: An eye-tracking investigation. Computers & Education. Vol. 144. https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103703
  17. Lin, P. C., Hou, H. T., & Chang, K. E. (Published online: 30 Jan 2020). The development of a collaborative problem solving environment that integrates a scaffolding mind tool and simulation-based learning: an analysis of learners’ performance and their cognitive process in discussion. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1719163.
  18. Zhang, J., Huang,Y. T., Liu, T. C., Sung, Y. T., and Chang, K. E. (Published online: 12 May 2020). Augmented Reality Worksheets in Field Trip Learning. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1758728. (Corresponding Author)
  19. 劉美慧、洪麗卿、張國恩 (2020/06)。中小學國際教育能力指標之建構與運用。中等教育,71(2),17-39。
  20. Wu, L. J., and Chang, K. E. (Published online: 10 Sep 2020). Effect of embedding a cognitive diagnosis into the adaptive dynamic assessment of spatial geometry learning. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1815216. (Corresponding Author)
  21. Zhang, J., Yan,S. X., Liu, T. C., Sung, Y. T., and Chang, K. E. (Sep. 2020). Studies on Learning Effects of AR-assisted and PPT-based Lectures. Asia-Pacific Education Research. 1-10. (Corresponding Author)
  22. Chou, Y. S., Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Su, C. L. (2021). Designing cognitive-based game mechanisms for mobile educational games to promote cognitive thinking: an analysis of flow state and game-based learning behavioral patterns. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-18.


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