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虚拟校史馆 / 文献档案区 /
1957年9月11日英文行政會議紀錄 2014-03-20







Minutes of the University Cabinet—September 11, 1957

The University Cabinet met on Wednesday morning, September 11, 1957 in the Conference Room. The members whose names starred more present : Wu Teh-yao、Fenton Babcock  Chang Ching-yu、Chen Chien-shan、G. L. Landolt、Elsie M. Priest、Seng Bao-hwen、Tang Shou-chiem

Prayer : Miss Priest

Report by Dean Landolt :

Dean Landolt made a brief report of his recent visit to Chang Kung University in Tainan where he inspected the new buildings, gas plant, new process equipment which provides instruction for all essentials of processing that any department of Chem. Engineering would ever need. Prices for all types of equipment were secured. The University has established facilities to teach and follow the revised up-to-date curriculum for Chemical Engineering. All shop work is under the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering which offers any Chemical Engineering student who may need such a course, as an elective. Shop work dose not belong to Chemical Engineering. There in no division between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. All equipment of all types belongs to the College and inter-changeable among departments-whenever it is needed.

It is planned to take some of the faculty and staff for a two days trip to Chang Kung University later to see the equipment now being installed.

Dean Landolt further reported he planned to mark a trip to Taipei this week to inspect other institutions, and find which gas process will fit our needs most satisfactorily.

President Wu respond by expressing the appreciation of the administration for this report, and assured Dr. Landolt of full cooperation at all times in relation to affairs in the College of Science.

Electric stoves and plates

VOTED to advise the Doan of Students that no electric stoves or hot plates will be allowed in any student room from this year-effective at opening of the semester.

VOTED to provide four hot plates for men students and two for woman student to be installed in convenient rooms and accessible for the use of the student.(Suggested places : For men: 2 in Room 612, and 2 in the new snack bar in room 1405. For woman : 1 in laundry room in No. 7 and one in small kitchen near Social room in No. 8 )

Student rooms available this year

A report was made of the apace available for students this year. Men students : space is available for 492 students. Women students : space is available for 184 students. There will be bone extra space this year for both man and woman.

Student Laundry under Labor Office

Dr. Babcock presented the need for the establishment of an organized project under the Student Labor Program. He is proposing a laundry as a first project of this type.

VOTED to approve in principle the establishment of a Student Laundry –details to be presented at a later date.

Relation of Work Scholarships and Academic program

President Wu requested that an effort be made to coordinate the labor program with the academic program through the can of Studies in order that the academic ability of the student will not be overtaxed and that the emphasis will not over-emphasize labor at the expanse of the academic program and ability of the student involved.

Publication Fund

VOTED to transfer NT$10,000. from the Princeton Cashier fund that was reserved for stipends or awards to professors who have publications, to the work for Study Program for students.

Gambling on the Campus

VOTED that a warning notice be sent from the President’s office to every member of the faculty and staff that if anyone is found to be gambling on the campus, he will be expelled from the University.

September 28th designated Teachers Day

President Wu announced that all faculty and staff will be invited to a tea or buffet supper in homer of this day.

Plan for Organization of Office of Guidance and Testing

Dr. Tang distributed the outline of the organization of the office for Guidance and Testing to the members for student - to be discussed and presented at the next meeting.



